Thursday, October 25, 2012

Strongest man

Yesterday Burnham School went to the lunch area after morning tea because a special guest had arrived. While we were waiting Miss Sweeny said we have to be quiet.

 I was wondering who the guest was. I thought it would be a clown. Just then Levi appeared. I noticed that he had big muscles that looked like two boulders and a mow-hawke that looks like a black triangle. I even noticed that he had tattoos that are shaped in an awesome pattern on his arms.

 Levi talked about entering a strongest man contest. He had to pull a trailer as heavy as 7 elephants. He eats raw porridge with chopped bananas and 15 eggs for breakfast For lunch, Levi eats half a kilo of chicken and half a kilo of kumara and 300 kilograms of broccoli. For dinner he has 15 eggs so he eats 30 eggs a day.

When Levi finished his speech we had a photographs with Levi on the friendship seat. I got to sit beside Levi. Levi smelt smelly.

The most amazing thing he talked about was that he entered heaps of strongest man contests. I hope I can belief my self so my dreams come true like Levi has followed his.I felt amazed when he told me facts about what he can do,such as, lifting tractors.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Goal Reflections

Dear Parent/ Caregiver,

As a class we have been reflecting our “collective” goals for Room 2 as set in term one. Each individual student self assess their own efforts in regards to each bullet point in each section. If he/she  felt that they accomplish the goal he/she highlighted the goal. If he/she felt that they had to work on the goal they left it blank.

In consultation with the each individual I have assess their efforts in each goal. I have marked this in red.


  •  “tick" is that I believe he/she have demonstrated the he/she has carried out the goal in an ongoing manner.
  • "Working towards” is an individual has shown evidence that he/she is nearing completing the goal.
  • "Next Step learning" is where an individuals goals might be focus in the future.

The last page is where your child has set new goals for their education. This is an opportunity to speak to your sibling and discuss and talk about their learning.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Crusders Came to Burnham School

On Monday after lunch play, the school went to the lunch area. I was shocked that four Crusaders were standing in front of us. There was one of  my favourite Crusaders was Tyler.

After that we played games so we could learn rugby skills. One of the games was called Unders and Overs . Later on the juniors went to the lunch area again to get flags and hats. Then two crusaders put signatures on my hat and flag. It was one of my favourite days because four Crusaders came to Burham    school.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Haden’s Maths


I  was traveling  through  a  freezing  dark  forest  when a rusty old castle showed up. The castle  had  a disgusting  cobweb on everything. When I felt  it, it felt clean. So I looked at it again but it still looked rusty so I used one of my senses. I listened and listened until I heard  a moaning and groaning sound from inside. I felt lonely and scared and then I looked up and saw that something was going to smash me from the top window, but I dodged it.When I looked on the back it said come in with blood on it. So I opened the box and something was making me follow what it said but I just ignored it.

Haden’s Storybird

My Beautiful hide-out home on Storybird

Monday, March 26, 2012

Multi Skills

Last Thursday the year 3's and 4's went to the Lincoln Community centre. There were 2 different school's. We had to travel by bus. I was in group 2 with Carl, Jacob's dad. I felt excited. The first activity was a bit of fun, it was called Domes and Dishes. My favourite game was skipping because there was a skipping competition.

After that we had a rest because we were exhausted.Then we had two more games until lunch time. When we finished our lunch all of us went to the playground. My favourite park equipment was the monkey bars. Then it was time to do some more activities. When we finished 2 activities, however we didn't have enough time to do the last game.

Then the year 3's and 4's went to the playground because the bus was not there. Finally the bus came. It was a fun day. My mum had to pick me up because I did not want to go on the warm bus because it would be hot.

Swimming 2012, Comic Life 2